We spend so much time stuck to our devices. Whether you were scrolling through social media or binging YouTube, I reckon you’ve had the experience of having time fly by through escaping into another virtual reality. While there are SO many positives to the interconnected world that we’re part of, there is definitely a need to distance yourself from those virtual realities. Thankfully, there are many amazing resources to utilize when you need to step away from TikTok and get a breath of fresh air, but aren’t necessarily feeling reading a book or practicing mindfulness. Here are some of the apps/sites that I love to use and have found super helpful on my journey of balancing my mind, body and soul!
Insight Timer
Use for: meditating
Notes: there are so many ways of meditating on here! You can play around with preset timers, filter guided meditations by length/type of practice/intentions, broaden your horizons of meditation by trying out thing like Buddhist chanting or Kundalini meditations, anything your heart desires! And the best part is that (most) of it is for free!
The Pattern
Use for: self-understanding and journaling
Notes: This is a great app to have notifications enabled on! Utilizing Western astrology, The Pattern provides you with updates regarding the phases you/the collective are going through. It provides great insight and often times provides great prompts/questions which you can then journal on!
Use for: astrological understanding
Notes: best astrological app I’ve ever found!
Rider Waite Tarot
Use for: tarot
Notes: while it works best with a physical Rider Waite Tarot deck, you can pull virtual cards in the app. There are also great explanations given for the cards.
The Highest Self Podcast https://iamsahararose.com/podcast
Use for: self-development and broadening horizons
Notes: this is one of my all time favorite podcasts and podcast hosts! Sahara provides so much INCREDIBLE information and has such insightful guests on that the conversations are always so inspiring. She’s also super hilarious and very connected to the modern world so it’s not like listening to some spiritual textbook being read aloud which is great haha.
On Purpose Podcast https://jayshetty.me/podcast/
Use for: self-development and insightful inspiration
Notes: if you’ve never listened to this one – get ready to binge! He has so many interesting guests on and they always have really deep and meaningful discussions. It’s sure to leave you inspired and ready to go create some magical freaking things!
WHM (Wim Hof Method)
Use for: breathwork and cold shower therapy
Notes: while a fantastic app, I recommend playing around with it first before actually practicing. It can be finicky to use at first (switching between breath holds) so it helps if you understand the logistics of it before practicing.
Yoga with Adriene https://yogawithadriene.com/
Use for: yoga
Notes: one of the best yoga instructors I’ve ever taken a class from! She is excellent for beginners, maintains a holistic approach to yoga in every lesson, and provides an ample amount of free content!