By balancing all three pillars of our selves, we can live with an abundance of love, trust, freedom, and joy.
As we grow throughout all stages of our lives, we we taught to believe certain things about ourselves and the world around us. These teachings happen consciously (ie – in school, after school programs, other adults in our lives, etc.) and subconsciously (ie – what we see on social media/shows/movies, what we hear people talking about, the lyrics of songs, etc.). Unknowingly, we build a system of beliefs based on the information we receive. We continue to add onto this system everyday, with all the new experiences we have, big or small.
This belief system navigates everything we do in life. The way we interact with people, how we handle stress, our eating habits, the way we think about ourselves, the goals and dreams we have – the list goes on and on. Yet, so often, this belief system goes overlooked. We may not even realize that it exists! Once you begin to peel back the layers of this conditioning, you begin to set yourself free. Free of expectations and pressures. You can begin rewriting your beliefs of who you are, what your future holds, and your purpose in life. You have the ability to form a deep connection with yourself and in turn, become the most authentic version of you. Doesn’t that sound good?
The amazing thing is that to achieve these results isn’t as complicated or far-reaching as it may seem. You already have that version of yourself within you. Everyone does. You simply need loving support and guidance to unravel that conditioning. To understand the roots of your beliefs, how to weed them out, and plant healthier and kinder seeds within yourself. This is what my role as a coach is. To guide you through a transition of reprogramming your mind and reconnecting to your authentic self.