MBS Origins

The concept of Mind Body Soul came to my mind when a friend of mine asked me the question “What would you do for a living if nothing stood in your way?”. I was initially taken aback and it took me a few hours to piece together what my dream would be. Although for the last few years my entire life had felt like a dream, I somehow never considered my career in all of this. I guess I was never much of the traditional-career orientated person. For the last couple of years I had been teaching ESL to kids, both online and in person, and in many ways that had felt like the dream. It was super fulfilling, I felt confident in the role, and it was a really flexible job. But when my friend posed the question, I felt this spark indicating that there was something else in store for me.

The concept progressed from there. I played with various ideas, but once the idea of a platform introducing the fundamentals of living a fulfilling life hit, I felt that was exactly what I am meant to do. Accessible to teens from all around the world, with the ability to come back to the curriculum whenever necessary, and one of the most important factors which I will continue to prioritize – a supportive, interactive, and loving community for these young people to be a part of. I felt it in my bones that this is a part of my purpose – it’s simply something I’m meant to do.

Over the years I had overcome numerous challenges and continued to look inward for a deeper understanding of my self. At the beginning, self-progression started as a means of survival. I hit such a dark and low point in life where I realized I couldn’t take one more day of life. Hollow, empty, helpless; none of these words can properly articulate the state I was in. Overcoming mental illness has been one of my biggest accomplishments. Yet once I managed to get myself out of that darkness, I couldn’t stop there. Finally experiencing true joy again, I decided I would create a life that is engulfed by this fulfilling feeling and complete freedom.

After graduating university, I decided to sell off all of my belongings, and spend the next several years living and experiencing life wherever my heart desired. Those years were spent travelling the globe, creating incredible connections, learning about myself and this world we live in, and most importantly – progressing like I had never imagined would be possible!

Currently I’m living in Prague. My life is exactly what my wildest dreams were made of. Everyday is full of wholehearted joy. I wake up with complete gratitude. My work is fulfilling. I have a loving and supportive partner (and the cutest little pup!!). Our home looks like something out of Pinterest. My depression is something of the past, and anxiety progressively becoming irrelevant as well. I am able to focus on inner growth because I’ve created the most incredible reality around me.

If you told me when I was a teenager, or hell even 5 years ago, that this would be my life – I would’ve genuinely never believed you. But over the years I’ve learned numerous life-changing concepts. Ideas like conscious thinking, mindfulness, how to successfully practice meditation, gratitude, maintaining healthy relationships with food and our bodies, the importance of movement, how to manifest your reality, and many more.

These practices are a vital part of my daily life and I think they are vital for everyone to learn. These are essential tools for living a life of absolute, blissful joy and harmony. A life of seeing high emotions like anger come up and being able to control how you react to it. Understanding how to handle any kinds of stress which comes your way. Forming truly supportive, loving, and caring relationships in which you can communicate effectively. And most importantly, finding balance, peace, and genuine love within yourself.

I have created this space to share these tools with you. I believe if young people would have access to these tools, they would have a HUGE head-start in life. We all go through so many inevitable shifts and changes throughout our younger years (and all throughout life really), and we’re left to sort of figure out mostly on our own. Yes we have education to teach us formal subjects. And some of us are lucky enough to have wonderful parents who help us as much as possible along the way. But school doesn’t teach us these concepts, and majority of the time, our parents have full-time jobs, children, and other relationships that take up their time too.

In the space provided here, we will figure it all out together. With the tools I will provide you with, you will learn how to handle basically anything that life throws at you, confidently and independently. I’ll help you uncover these incredible resources (from within you!) to make your dream life your reality.

And the great thing is, you’ve already taken the biggest step! You’re already showing up for yourself and paving the path to being the best possible version of you. I’m honestly so excited to meet you and help you continue along this journey. Your life is about to progress in SO many ways! Grab a cup of tea (or your beverage of choice) and let’s get started!

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