Mind Body Soul Fundamentals – 1:1 Coaching Program

What is 1:1 coaching?

People can get quite confused by the concept of coaching – it’s not really therapy, it’s not really counselling…so what is it? Coaching as a whole has completely taken off over the last decade – and there’s a reason for that. The best way that I’ve heard it described, is that it’s like therapy, but with a goal. That’s exactly how I perceive it. When it comes to mindset coaching, various personal problems are addressed and dealt with. Concepts such as confidence, self-love, motivation, purpose, healthy communication, acceptance, joy…those terms and phrases that we may perceive as over-used yet they still seem to be under-developed in many people’s lives.

There are different kinds of coaches addressing various kinds of problems. First and foremost, it’s important that you find someone who you resonate with. Who, in your gut, you feel is right for you. Does their language, purpose, and energy, align with you? Then, look into the programs they offer. Does their content speak to you? Could their skills guide you to achieve the goals you desire? Are the topics they address ones that you need to work on? I encourage you to really reflect on these questions before making a decision on a coaching program (and any other program/course you’re considering for that matter!).

What are the benefits of coaching?

-Maintaining consistency in prioritizing your growth and happiness
-Envisioning exciting goals while also creating a clear and actionable plan to achieve them
-Having someone to hold you accountable as you work towards your goals
-Gaining unbiased perspective on your own mind, the way you think, and the things you believe to be true (which, of course, usually aren’t true)
-Understanding how you formed certain beliefs which hold you back from becoming an empowered version of yourself
-Dismantling and rewriting said beliefs
-Finishing the program with all the tools, knowledge, and resources (which all lie within you), that you need to continue your empowerment journey on your own

How does it work?

Although the reasons for receiving coaching will always look slightly different, the layout of your coaching experience will always be the same. Think of it as peeling back layers of your mind. We learn, consciously and subconsciously, about ourselves and our place in the world from an early age. But, what we learn, isn’t necessarily the truth. For example, as a child, your parent may have given you a hard time if you got bad grades. They might have even used harsh words like stupid, idiot, dumb, or questions like “Why can’t you get it?”, or comparisons “Your sister got a better grade, try to be more like her”. Now your parents aren’t to blame here. They raised you in the best way they knew how. They responded in these ways due to their conditioning and experiences. But the way they spoke to you will inevitably impact who you grow into. You may develop a fear of failure. This fear can hold you back from pursuing your dreams. It may cause you to settle for things that don’t actually make you happy. Or, you may develop a need to make other people happy. This need then allows people to walk all over you; to take advantage of you. There are so many possibilities and domino effects that could unfold in this situation. And this is just about one layer of your conditioning. I can’t place a number on how many we have, but it’s much more than one.

It may seem overwhelming to think about. “How can I even change these beliefs if this is my whole lifetime of experiences we’re talking about?? I’ve had so many shitty experiences! I’ll never be able to unf*k my mind. I’m permanently messed up. This is the way it’s going to be forever.” If that’s what you’re thinking, take a deep breath. I know it can be A LOT to deal with at first. But it’s completely possible and you’re not in it alone. This is what my framework is designed to guide you with.

We’ll begin with where you’re currently at and what you’re hoping to work on and achieve. Then, we’ll begin to uncover the reasons that you’ve been held back from living in your full potential. We’ll be tapping into your conscious and subconscious mind to find the root causes for the beliefs you’ve taken on in your life. Once you let go of the negative (and fictional!) self-beliefs, we’ll begin to re-write your internal narrative (the way you speak to yourself) and your belief system will begin to be renewed. You’ll learn to align to who you want to be and figure out a plan to take action with confidence. You will almost inevitably have a lot of uncomfortable, emotionally heavy things come up for you during the process. However, by confronting these experiences and beliefs, you’ll be able to step into the best version of yourself.

What’s different about the MBS program?

Gaining an understanding to the way you think, your belief systems, and your mind, is essential. But this isn’t a one and done type of journey. Gaining an understanding to the way you think, your belief systems, and your mind, is essential. But this isn’t a one and done type of journey. Just like with becoming physically healthy and strong, you need to continue to maintain your practices consistently and regularly. You can’t just work through your conditioning and think you’re good for the rest of your life. Just like with becoming physically healthy and strong – if you want toned muscles, you need to weight lifting and cardio. If you want to be healthier, you need to eat whole foods, drink water, and have a good sleep cycle. It’s the same thing with maintaining mental balance. You need to continue to maintain your practices consistently and regularly.

During our program, you will be introduced to the tools and practices that you can continue to utilize for your personal progress after our time together is done. Practices such as different types of meditation, journaling, yoga, mindfulness hour, and daily gratitude. These practices are fundamental for maintaining a balanced mind, body, and soul. These three pillars work in unison; without taking care of one, the other two will inevitably eventually crumble. So, you will build and maintain new habits and routines that will help you ensure your long-term balance, vitality, and success.

After our program, you’ll be able to carry yourself the way you’ve always desired. Your mindset will be functioning to serve your highest self. You will be reconnected to your intuition and base your daily actions off of your best interest. You’ll maintain consistency with ease. You will have a newfound sense of clarity and purpose in your life. You’ll be ready to live your life to the absolute fullest.

What does it entail?

-1 on 1 coaching, tailored to your experiences and needs

-12 OR 24 week program

-1 x 60 minute session online, weekly OR biweekly

-Weekly at home exercises (vary every week; ie: journal prompts, meditations, visualization exercises, homework)

-Daily Slack access (check-in’s and accountability; dependent on personal preference)

Ready to create some shifts? Sign up now by filling in the form below!


Still unsure if you’re ready to step into your best self? Send me all your questions or concerns and I’ll get back to you!

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